The Many Facets of Marc Lynch

The Many Facets of Marc Lynch

When an e-mail showed up in my inbox from a local writer who was looking to create some “odd” portraits, I jumped at the chance. I sat down with Marc Lynch for a quick beer at Two House Brewing and quickly learned he is one of the true eccentrics of this world…

Is the universe trying to tell you something?

Is the universe trying to tell you something?

Life has been pretty interesting lately as there are several new things on the horizon. I’m planning my wedding, thinking about starting a family, and deciding on long term goals for my business. As someone who likes to keep two firm hands on the helm of most things orbiting my life (a nice way to say I’m a control freak), it’s opened a new space in my mind of things to think (and worry) about…

You Are Enough

You Are Enough

In a world where we are inundated by idealized perfection perpetuated by social media, TV, advertising, etc. sometimes it’s hard not to hold ourselves up to some unrealistic standard and ask ourselves the question: “Am I Enough?”. I myself have had a bad habit of measuring my self worth by what I accomplish and the level of success of those things. Its taken a lot of work to get comfortable with who I am and recognize that I am not what I do. But I still have days where I can’t help but compare myself to others, especially those who are doing the things I want to be doing, successfully…

The Best of 2019

The Best of 2019

I can’t believe 2019 is almost over! It has been such a special and exciting year for me personally and for my business, and I am so incredibly grateful for all the learning, triumphs and challenges this year has brought me. So grateful in fact that I felt like I needed to tip my hat to a small sample of my favorite client moments…

Tips & Tricks for Beautiful Night Photography

Tips & Tricks for Beautiful Night Photography

As many of you know, I’ve recently fell ass-over-armpit in love with night photography. OK, I realize that’s a weird way to say that, but my obsession with this cannot be understated. Not only am I walking away with photos I never thought I’d be able to take, but I’m totally digging the experience of shooting them too, so I thought I’d share a little bit of what I’ve learned so far.

Whirly Bird - "Relax" - My First Music Video

Whirly Bird - "Relax" - My First Music Video

I’m so damn excited to share this with you all.

Last January my resolution for 2018 was to shoot more video. So when my friend Whirly Bird asked me to come to Tofino to shoot a music video for her, I jumped at the chance. I was up front with her that I had never shot a music video before and was only starting to mess around with video editing software. But for some reason, she had faith in me. And boy, am I glad she did.

Tofino - End of the Road

Tofino - End of the Road

One of my favourite things about the photographers life, is often ending up in places you may have never gone, doing things you’d rarely expect. Me being a naturally anxious person however can make this quite interesting. On August 24th, I’m boarding a plane to Tofino to work on an awesome and uncharted project (that I can’t wait to share with you all, by the way), and I’m hella nervous. Excited! But trying to calm my worrisome mind by attempting to envision the finished project, and how I can accomplish it.



Basically since spring hit, I had been happily on the go taking on a variety of photo and graphic work for new (and return) clients! But when things started to slow down to a normal pace again, I jumped at the chance to have a fully creative shoot with my lovely friend Janel. As much as I love conventional approaches to portraiture, I am always looking for new ways to add interesting and dreamlike elements…

Cardelia & Ben - Summer Anniversary

Cardelia & Ben - Summer Anniversary

I had so much fun shooting this summer-y first anniversary session for Cardelia & Ben. It was my first time shooting at both St. Patricks Island and Luke's Drug Mart in Calgary's downtown area. I feel like we didn't even begin to scratch the surface on..