
Whirly Bird - "Relax" - My First Music Video

Whirly Bird - "Relax" - My First Music Video

I’m so damn excited to share this with you all.

Last January my resolution for 2018 was to shoot more video. So when my friend Whirly Bird asked me to come to Tofino to shoot a music video for her, I jumped at the chance. I was up front with her that I had never shot a music video before and was only starting to mess around with video editing software. But for some reason, she had faith in me. And boy, am I glad she did.

Tofino - End of the Road

Tofino - End of the Road

One of my favourite things about the photographers life, is often ending up in places you may have never gone, doing things you’d rarely expect. Me being a naturally anxious person however can make this quite interesting. On August 24th, I’m boarding a plane to Tofino to work on an awesome and uncharted project (that I can’t wait to share with you all, by the way), and I’m hella nervous. Excited! But trying to calm my worrisome mind by attempting to envision the finished project, and how I can accomplish it.