My Newest "Blended Memories" Piece
"Blended Memories" Commissions Now Available
When Being Too Headstrong Becomes a Roadblock
People who know me, know that I am not the most flexible person in the world. I got that dang "fixed" personality type. I know what I want, and I like things done a certain way. (Don't I sound like a hoot?) Over the last year and a half however due to the economic changes in Calgary, I've had to become pretty flexible with the kinds of creative jobs I take on…
Andrea + Devin - Jasper Dream Wedding <3
Grotto Canyon - Gurl Guide Style
Ever since living and working in BC, I seem to need more time immersed in nature. I've taken a few short winter hikes lately to try to alleviate this desire and break up the long quiet days at home. On Family Day, I found myself carefully strolling up Grotto Canyon's icy creek bed with Ian Busby and the Canmore based adventure/comedy videographers Mia Mucci & Randi Wardle (Aka "Gurl Guides")…
Happy Valentines Day
The Dark Time - How I learned to Ask For help
About a year ago, I came up against a wall that didn't seem to want to budge no matter how I came at it. I was depressed and unsatisfied with my life, and I found that no matter how much work, or distractions, or weekend getaways, or glasses of wine I had, I never seemed to feel any more fulfilled. I never seemed to be moving forward. The thing about depression is, that it can sneak up on you, and surround you like a thick fog. So much so, that you forget that it's possible for things to be better. You forget how to hope, and you don't always realize how your own behaviour is affecting those around you. Looking back now, I can see that I was completely lost in that fog. At the time, all I knew was if I didn't start making some changes now, things would only get worse…
When Real Life Becomes an Adventure Pt. 2, Standing Still in Moving Waters
As life in my new BC home finally became normal, the days started to fly by. This being my first time living away from my hometown, I had this overwhelming feeling that I really wanted to make the most of my time, and didn't want to miss out on any of the invitations for adventure that were constantly happening around me. About two months in however, I came home one day feeling like I was running on fumes. I felt I had created unrealistic expectations for my experience and my exhaustion had me questioning my own motives for being out there in the first place. I felt I needed some time out and craved a place to recharge, but felt I had nowhere to go in the small town, yet crowded house I lived in. Out of options I found myself on the side of a highway calling home…
Profile - Marylène Martin
When you first meet Mary, a raft guide, mixed martial artist, yogi, motorcyclist, firefighter in training, and soon to be stunt actor, you can't help but feel slightly intimidated. Not only is she accomplished, but she also seems to balance her strength and fearlessness with a soft feminine sensitivity and depth of intelligence that makes her even more impressive…
Engaged - Ruz & Sheila
Once in awhile us photographers bear witness to something very real that makes us take pause. This kiss felt particularly magical to photograph. And I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful fall day. The sun was shining, and the leaves were just the right color. Ruz and Sheila got engaged last fall, and are planning a lovely summer 2017 wedding in Penticton. Congrats to this absolutely stunning couple!