Profile - The Unstoppable Clare C. Marshall

Profile - The Unstoppable Clare C. Marshall

I was reading a book in bed one day about how being inspired is to be deeply energized or “in-spirited” by something. In my exhausted state after chasing around my wonderful, deeply energized toddler all day, I tried to think back to the last time I had felt like that. I realized it was several months previous: the moment I met Clare C. Marshall…

Family Portraits at Hull's Wood - Fish Creek Park

Family Portraits at Hull's Wood - Fish Creek Park

This summer I visited Fish Creek Park with my dogs and decided to hike around an area I had never visited before called Hull’s Wood. (If you’ve never been, Fish Creek measures approximately 19kms east to west and is the 2nd largest urban park in Canada - so there’s much to be explored!)

Dreams of yesterday

Dreams of yesterday

I awoke from a dream, and something ancient within myself did too. In this dream I walked into an art school and signed up for a year of art classes. They would be photography based mixed with figure drawing (my favourite subjects at art school). I was so excited to dive into creativity and had flashes and visions of colour and what I would create.

Stories from the Road - Tourism Photography in Lacombe County

Stories from the Road - Tourism Photography in Lacombe County

For me tourism photography is around 70% good planning, and 30% being present and seeing what unfolds in front of you. Letting curiosity take the wheel and being ready to pull over at a moments notice. Being ok with passing a place by if it just isn’t giving you the right vibes. I have captured magical moments in mundane places, and been unmoved by some of the must see attractions. For as long as I can remember I have loved to travel…