It’s been a strange week on planet Earth, as global anxiety becomes palpable. It’s hard not to let our imaginations run wild with “what if” situations. And why not? Hollywood has been telling us what this looks like for a long time now, and there is always that question of the overall agenda. It’s hard to gauge the seriousness or lasting effect this crisis may have on us, but certainly we all need to play it safe right now.
When we get to the other side of this, everyone’s life will be different. Because right now we have the opportunity to look at our lives and realize what’s truly important. How lucky we have been to be alive, together, and thriving. As this goes on, every time you have a fear of being without something, I want you to make a mental note. And when the time comes that all is considered well again, look back at this time and think about what you truly valued when life felt uncertain. Stay aware of how this time shifts your reality. I think it’s important to realize what is most precious to us, and what is no longer necessary to take with us into the future.
Think about what you will do differently when the crisis is over. Have you been waiting around to make a change? Maybe you’ve been wanting to go back to school, finish a large project, or do something really special for someone. Let this time of uncertainty motivate you to start whatever you want for yourself today. Use this feeling of not knowing actually to propel you into the future that you want. People are stronger and more powerful than we think. Positive visualization of our future will calm us on both an individual and global level.
Remember that every crisis reveals where our weaknesses are, and what we need to step our game up on. Think about how our health care system will change and prepare for things like that after this is over. Think of what you might want to keep in your house for emergencies after this. Think of those who might be unprotected when crisis happens.
If we have to live through a time of uncertainty, let it at least bring us clarity of values, future plans, and how we need to improve systems. Until things turn around, please hold your loved ones close, be kind to yourself and others, stay aware and take precautions. The best thing we can do right now is work together to ensure our future.